One of the most useful monitors in RapidSpike is the User Journey.
A User Journey is like following the path a real person takes on your website. It starts when someone visits your site and ends when they leave. It acts like real people, doing the same things as users from different places. It checks for problems and delays in the process.
User journeys are linked to websites rather than individual pages.
It works by making a script that pretends to be a real person on your site. This can be done in our script editor with a simple list of actions to add to your script.
An example script created in RapidSpike
The script can do things on your website, like clicking buttons, taking screenshots and entering information into a form. You can choose how often the script runs, and where in the world it runs from. A User Journey can be simple (like filling out a form) or complex (like going through different systems).
If the User Journey is unable to complete, you will be alerted that something on your site is not working. You can then look through the test results to troubleshoot what is not working.