RapidSpike’s Google Lighthouse monitor scores your website across a number of categories, a crucial one being performance. This also uses web vitals as part of the scoring. Using lots of third parties can impact the speed at which users can interact with your site, and slow speeds will result in slow web vitals and also a low performance score in Google Lighthouse.
RapidSpike’s Google Lighthouse monitor collates all the performance audits together as tested by the Google Lighthouse tool, but it also brings in extra data about Third Parties to help you improve your score.
On the performance tab of the Google Lighthouse monitor in RapidSpike, there is an option to view performance data from third parties. Click view to show this data.
Understanding this data involves a small amount of understanding on how browsers work. The browsers execute one task at a time using the main thread. This could be tasks such as processing user input, rendering the page, and running JavaScript code. If a task takes a significant amount of time to execute, this is called a long task. They can block the browser from executing other tasks. This is referred to as the main thread blocking time.
In the test results, you can see the list of all third parties and view any long tasks.
The test results show data such as the long tasks and the main thread blocking time.