Websites can provide many features and functionality to their users, so it is important to define your most critical paths in their simplest form.
It is easiest to start by defining your User Journeys as simple, singular goals:
TIP: if a goal contains the word “and” then consider splitting it into two goals.
Once the goals are listed they can be expanded to written instructions.
For example, the first goal would be turned into:
This Journey achieves one goal; to ensure a website allows users to navigate to the About Us page.
Keeping goals simple and singular will help when dealing with failures, analysing results and maintaining scripts in the future. However, it is not always possible to stick to this. Some User Journeys require more than one goal to achieve their main purpose.
For example, purchasing a product might first require a user to log in to an account and search for a product. This is OK – the important thing is that you have considered simplifying the journey as much as possible.