IDs and classes are two key ways to target selectors. Sometimes you may need to get creative and use other attributes. This can happen if you can’t find a suitable class or ID and the element is proving tricky to match.
Some elements – e.g. forms, form elements such as selects, inputs and buttons – have a name
attribute which can be handy as an alternative to an ID or class.
To set a name, you can choose the selector type “name” and enter the name in the selector box.
The Link Text and Partial Link Text types can be used to target the actual text within an <a>
tag. For example; <a href=””>My Website</a>
the link text would be “My Website”, and the partial link text could be either “My” or “Website”.
This is great for targeting a selector where you are unable to use a class or ID and you are sure that the link text won’t change.