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Script Variables

Script Variables act as a placeholder in your script that holds a value. A number of RapidSpike scripting actions will create a script variable:

  • GenerateData
  • PickItem
  • ApiRequest

The value of this variable can be recalled later on in your script:

Using Script Variables

When setting up an action that creates a script variable, you will be required to set a name. This creates a name for the script variable you are creating for identification later in your script.

To recall this script variable, the syntax is $ where name refers to the name of the variable you created when setting up the action.

They can be used within the following actions:

  • Form
  • FormSelector
  • OpenURL
  • EnterText
  • ApiRequest
  • AddCookie

Click here for a guide on how to use these actions within your script.

RapidSpike scripting actions such as GenerateData, PickItem, and ApiRequest can create script variables.

When setting up an action that creates a script variable, you need to provide a name for the variable.

To recall a script variable later in the script, you can use the syntax $, where “name” refers to the name of the variable you created.

Script variables can be used within various actions such as Form, FormSelector, OpenURL, EnterText, ApiRequest, AddCookie, etc.

If you need detailed guidance on how to use these actions within your script, you can click on the provided articles for a comprehensive guide.

Script variables are useful for storing and retrieving values during script execution.

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