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Scripting Actions A-Z

API Request
This action enables you to make API calls in the background of a journey.

The response HTTP code can be checked against an expected value, along with the response body against an expected regex pattern.

The action can be useful for scenarios such as:
Requesting one-time passwords or verification codes
Authorising access for the test session at the start of the journey
Clearing open baskets or delivery slot bookings at the end of a journey
Making calls “home” to register test progress
Requesting searches

This action can be highly customised. You can even combine it with GenerateItem actions to dynamically create items of data to include in the body to be sent in the API call.
Add Cookie
Adds a cookie to your journey. Alternatively, you can add a cookie in the pre-start actions to be there from the start.
The ‘Alert’ action enables you to handle Javascript alerts that your website generates. The options are “accept” or “dismiss”.
Browser Controls
The ‘Navigate’ action instructs the browser to navigate forward or backwards or refresh the current page. These can be utilised for a number of reasons such as:
Reloading the elements on a webpage
Simulating a real users behaviour
Check Cookie
The ‘CheckCookie’ action gives you the ability to check that a cookie exists by its Name. You can also check the cookie’s Value using regex. This is helpful for ensuring a cookie added earlier in the script (with AddCookie) has been added, or that a cookie added and required by the website exists.
Performs a click on an element using a selector. This allows you to interact with buttons, dropdowns, links and more.
Click Coordinates
Performs a click on your chosen coordinates. This can be difficult to use and maintain so we would always recommend a click action where possible.
Enter Text
Enters text into an input field such as a search box, delivery form or payment field. 
Execute JS
Executes a javascript script.

This is especially useful for completing actions such as scrolling down a page.
Exits the journey before reaching the end. You can set the parameters of whether this should result in a pass or a failure.
Enters text into multiple input fields within a form. This reduces the number of actions needed when filling out data than just using Enter Text.
Form Selector
Enters text into multiple input fields within a form. Unlike the form action, this requires the selector for each input field.
The ‘GenerateData’ action is designed to create dynamic ‘items’ to use elsewhere in a script.

Unlike the PickItem action which selects from a predefined list, this action is used for creating things dynamically such as randomised email addresses, passwords or dates.

The different types of generated item include: Email, Passwords, Dates, Random Numbers, Random Strings
The hover action is very similar to the ‘Click’ action. Instead of performing the click it hovers over an element.
If Element
The ‘IfElement’ action allows you to handle multiple scenarios on your user journey. It is very similar to the ‘IfAssert’ but a lot more equipped to deal with several scenarios rather than just two. This is particularly useful if you have active A/B testing on your site. You can easily add new scenarios as they are implemented.
Open URL
The ‘OpenURL’ action instructs the browser to open a URL. This can be used to quickly navigate to a specific page. We recommend using clicks to navigate to a particular page but there are times when an ‘OpenURL’ is more appropriate. A good example of this is if you need to visit another site on the same journey. We recommend using one site per journey but there are scenarios requiring multiple sites.
Page Source –
The ‘PageSource’ action saves the HTML of the current page loaded. Although this information is saved in each step it is sometimes useful to gather this data, especially for debugging purposes. If your journey has randomisation within the script you might want to collect this data to establish trends when viewing your monitor results.
Pick Item –
This action is designed for selecting an item at random from a predefined list of items. An example of this action would be for selecting a search term at random and then using it in a SendKeys, From or FormSelector actions to enter the search term in a text field.
Takes a screenshot of your site at that point in the journey. In the case of a failure, a screenshot is automatically taken for debugging purposes.
Select From Dropdown
The ‘Dropdown’ action allows you to select an option from a dropdown menu in one action. This eliminates the need for two clicks and a ‘WaitForElement’ which are less reliable.
Set Viewport Size
The ‘ViewportSize’ action changes the current window’s viewport to a given width and height. This is for changing the viewport at some point during the journey and not for setting the overall viewport size. If you want a journey to be entirely in a custom viewport you can change this in the ‘Edit’ panel.
Switch To Default
The ‘SwitchToDefault’ action compliments the ‘SwitchToIframe’ action as it allows you to exit the Iframe you have just entered. There is no information needed to use this action and it should be placed immediately after the action which interacts with the element within an Iframe.
Switch To Window
The ‘SwitchToWindow’ action is used to change the tab in your journey. While navigating your site you may have to click something which opens a new tab. For example, switching to a third-party platform or payment provider.
Switch to Iframe
The ‘SwitchToIframe’ action is essential when encountering IFrames on your site. If you aren’t familiar with this, an Iframe is essentially an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. Common examples of when you might encounter an Iframe are payment input fields.
Wait For Element
Wait for an element to be in a certain state (clickable, visible, not clickable, not visible) before proceeding with the journey. 
Wait For Element Text
The ‘WaitForElementText’ action instructs a journey to wait until a condition is met on the page text. This can be used for ensuring a page is fully loaded or checking for specific text on a page. For example, you could use this action to check for the words ‘In Stock’ on a product page. There are times when a WaitForElementText is useful but we recommend using a ‘WaitForElement‘ where possible.
Wait For Title
The ‘WaitForTitle’ action instructs a journey to wait until a condition is met on the page title. This is generally used for ensuring a page is fully loaded or checking that the journey has a specific title on the page. For example, you could use this action to check for a specific status or product on a page. Although this action is useful we would recommend using a ‘WaitForElement‘ if possible.
Wait For URL
The ‘WaitForUrl’ action instructs a journey to wait until a condition is met on the page URL. This can be used for ensuring a page is fully loaded or checking that the journey loads a specific page. If the page doesn’t load or the journey isn’t on the page specified the journey will fail.
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